Hey, everyone. I wanted to blog real quick while on my lunch break here. The news we all got yesterday about the parade talk was seemingly all true. Real Important -- A couple of people left comments yesterday, and they mentioned how the Red Wings and the city have really hit the nail on the head with the planning. I got some more information today, and it's pretty much a guarantee that even if the series goes 5 games, it will still leave ample time to set up Woodland and Hart Plaza overnight for the festivities on Tuesday.
Let's Go Wings!!!
May 28, 2008
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You haven't won anything yet parade moron.
Remember that the North Stars had a parade planned after winning two games in 1991! They were losers and the Redwings join them.
Many teams have won two games, but it takes four to get a parade, unless they give parades for Losers you won't be missing any work but you might be missing some sleep.
The city of Detroit and the Red Wings are *really* comfortable about pissing off their opponent, aren't they?
2 things: three teams have failed to win the Cup after getting a 2-0 lead...two of them were Detroit teams;
the 1991 Minnesota North Stars planned a parade early...they lost in six games to the Penguins.
Watch out, Detroit.
Planning a parade when you haven't won anything yet? Jinx City
Good luck running a successful jinx blog if you disable comments any time that someone says something you don't like. Ya see, the ability to comment on content is part of the appeal.
Good luck tonight, Censorbloggerjobber
Detroit will honor their fallen heroes with a LOSER PARADE. I vented by the 1991 Minny Nortstars.
PENS in 6---that's not sarcasm!
Are you serious? Have you ever watched hockey, cuz if you did you'd know things changes. Amateur A**
you are quite obviously not a real hockey fan. nice job on the little blog bandwagon-jumper, but no real hockey fan would be so arrogant and naive as to do what you're doing here. if the wings win, then by all means, celebrate. but don't be stupid, this isn't over yet. with the stuff that you've posted so far, even a failure to sweep by the wings makes you look like a moron. congratulations.
What a pile of shit. If the Wings would have won two ON THE ROAD, maybe you would have a little more leverage, but think about history. No, not past history, 2008 SCP history. Round I: Wings were up 2-0 and were going back to Detroit 2-2. Round III: WIngs were up 3-0 and took 6 to win. I am not saying the Pens have the best shot in the world to win it, but the fact that Detroit cannot seem to manage a lead along with the fact that Pittsburgh hasn't lost a game in Pittsburgh since February should have everyone thinking a little bit more about hockey and a little less about a parade. What asses.
You whiners cry like babies and accuse everyone of being trolls when they visit your Pensblog.
Here you are doing it yourselves.
We're having a parade and there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy Sidney's (Gary's Baby Boy) 2 goals.
You whiners cry like babies and accuse everyone of being trolls when they visit your Pensblog.
Here you are doing it yourselves.
We're having a parade and there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy Sidney's (Gary's Baby Boy) 2 goals.
You whiners cry like babies and accuse everyone of being trolls when they visit your Pensblog.
Here you are doing it yourselves.
We're having a parade and there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy Sidney's (Gary's Baby Boy) 2 goals.
The reason we think you guys are pompous asses is because a real hockey fan would never start celebrating anything until the clock says 0:00 and the series is over. Its great you want your team to win, I mean, it would be rather odd if you didn't, but planning a parade 1/2 way to the final destination without playing an away game, that's just plain dumb.
Nice call. Arrogant bastages. Stick that in your uckto-puss and smoke it.
Way to jinx the team. Tools.
then I'll be a real dope and double post that.
whah whah whaaaa
It looks like your parade planning may be jumping the gun a little bit. I thought since you spent some time in law school you may be a little more conservative than that.
Hey, Lee?
Uh, the Penguins just called, they said June 3rd isn't gonna work for them, so why don't you let the city of detroit know they should probably put a hold on that parade.
(It would be pretty embarrassing having a victory parade for a series that isn't over yet.)
HAHAHA. You cocky dumbshit. Hope you enjoyed the game tonight? Still June 3 parade I see? Hope you have a good time. Asswipe. PENS in 6, and you can shove this whole boastful parade blog back up your arrogant homer ass.
Better cool it fellow anonymous commenters. Lee might have to shut down the comments section again.
My friend who works downtown says that your friend that works downtown is full of shit.
Also, if we are in agreement that you have this incredibly connected "friend who works downtown", wouldn't he or she (probably 'he', we all know how hoMotown gets down) be able to get a hold of a better parade route diagram than a Map-Quest search with a red line drawn in Paint?
Third, you may need to check on this, but I do not imagine "no-name cocksucker from a third-rate, bullshit suburb of a fourth-rate, bullshit city" comes with many days off. You may want to save them up (and this is where your friend downtown comes back into play) and think about a combination parade for the Wings, Pistons, and Tigers on the same day.
Finally, in case you hadn't heard, Donnie Iris says Pens in 7 ('nuff said).
Lee "my dad touched me where I" P.
JINX CITY BABY. I hope the parade route involves some infected cock up your ass.
A fucking parade? You are a total moron and anyone planning a parade this early is half or maybe fully retarded.
Eh, it's OK. Guys be nice to this man!
His wife is cheating on him while he blogs anyway.
I banged your wife.
'Pathetic Penguins' was totally uncalled for.
Unfortunately for your amateur ass, the series will actually take 6 games, but the parade route will only be about 300 miles outside of Detroit COCK City. Red Wangs got OWNED last night - ain't that just a big dick in your ass.
FYI it takes 4 wins, not 2. Series is far from over. Put your little parade on hold. The Rainbow fag parade is in june...maybe thats what you're referring to!
youre a total douche. if you want a parade, find one in san francisco with all the other transgender freaks.
hey corn dick! i dont even like the penguins and i still hope that a rocket lands on your forhead!!!!! dorkzoid!!!
Thanks for jinxing Detroit, assclown.
27 and just finished high school. I am sure the short bus will take you anywhere you want to go, maybe even the moon Nancy. Did the donkey you married look good? Show some pictures.. oh wait they are illegal in most countries.
brooks orpik just checked your entire city...moron
suck my cock moron
odds are your parade isn't happening, unless you're trying to spread word of the first ever parade for a second place team.
let me extend a personal invitation to Pittsburgh so you can at least get a look at what a real hockey town looks like. If you decide to stick around for OUR victory celebration, I bet you'll be impressed. The USS Gill will be docking on the Mon and there will be free candy for everyone.
Sorry that your comments are being filled with these illiterate Penguin fans.
I just wanted to tell you thanks for your hard work on letting us know the insider details. This is all great news!!!
Go Wings Go!
Know what Orpik had for dinner last night in the 'burgh?
Let's go Pens!
You're a joke. The Redwings are a joke. Just about the whole team got OWNED by Orpik.
i fucked detroit's daughter, and she was an avs fan.
I like the enthusiasm, but I'm a wings fan and this is a BAD omen man.
Planning a parade when we just lost the last game?
if we lose, I'm cutting off your balls
yeah...so pens are in the same situation as 91 now right?
PENS in 6!
It takes 4 wins to win the Cup you retard.
You are a cockgobbler
worst idea ever. I'm a Detroit Fan, I'm behind them all the way, but planning a parade when we were only up 2-1 is fucking retarded. Are you even a hockey fan? If you were then I don't think you'd do this.
Fucking idiot.
i can't believe this blog is still on al gore's internet.
Are you guys gonna murder mor octipi at your Dead Wangs parade?
Your wife's penis is bigger than your's.
My better is better than your better.
*For the win* Tori... i'm the love of HER life.
Nice sweep!!!!! Your a moron. Thats not sarcasm. Your penis is non existant and you take it up the ass from ur wife
Quick update, you're a turd burglar. Get some confrimation on that.
2-1 series now, careful with your planning Detorit or else you'll end up like the North Stars who made all those plans and proceeded to lose 4 straight to the Pens back in '91
Minnesota planned a parade once. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
The Penguins will gladly parade through detroit after they win game 7.
Hey Jason (May 29, 1:27pm) - speaking of illiterate . . . how do the Pens fans actually fit INSIDE of Lee's comments? Those are some big comments to be able to contain all of the Pens fans, seeing how we can actually sell out a Stanley Cup final game (unlike Detroit Cock City). Also, the three exclamation points (!!!) are not correct. It is proper to use only one, like so! Please do not fill these comments with your ineptitude. And please stop taking it up the ass from Lee. I shit upon your sorry face and wipe with a Red Wings jersey.
your wife had sex with a Pitt reporter last week
if you don't believe me
check her purse
you'll see
I'm so glad to hear the parade isn't on the weekend. I was planning a trip with my family up to Traverse City, but now I know I won't miss it.
Thanks for keeping me up to date. I'm looking forward to the parade!!!
How did that CONFIRMED June 3rd parade go there buddy? Lots of people in the street and confetti falling? None of that happened? Guess you will have to continue sukcing cock and licking balls on the corner to occupy your time. Enjoy!
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